Access your Member's Dashboard, on the left sidebar you are going to find the Classified feature.



Here you'll find a new classified, now we can add some content to it like the title, description, image and more as explained through the points mentioned and the image shown below:

1. Publish content on the site or save it as a draft.

2. Add the Title of the Classified.

3. Enter the Price for the Classified.

4. Add the address of the Classified.

5. The Complete address will be auto-populated by typing it in point #4




6. Enter keywords that apply. Separate with comma!

7. Add a description to the Classified.

Once you save all of the of the details, you can add the images to the Classified feature.


Upload as many images you need.

1. Add a Title to the Image.

2. Add a Description to the Image.

Here you can Arrange the Photo Display Order:



Now here is how you can find the Classified you'd created:



This is how the Classified displays in the Member's Dashboard:




Lastly, this is how the property displays in the site: 




Click on View Details:

Here you'll find:

  • The images of the Classified with their respective title and description.
  • The main description of the Classified.
  • "Contact This Member" will send a direct message to the member.