Choosing the best profile membership level should be based on the following:

1. What type of exposure you require

2. Type of products|services|real estate you have (Listings)

3. Number of Listings you will want to advertise

For a review of the benefits of each Membership Level and Pricing click here.

For example:

For Sale By Owner | Single Classified Ad

This type of member has only one listing required. They would be a candidate for the Basic or Standard Membership. As listings are search and retrieved based initially on the buyers location, increasing your categories would be the only reason to upgrade to the Standard Membership. 

Note: With our Business Booster Advertising options, you can purchase a banner ad to increase the exposure of your listing. For more details on increasing your listing's exposure see Marketing Your Listing.

Real Estate Agents | Service & Product Companies

If you are this type of business owner/entrepreneur then you will want to increased both your Business Profile along with Your Listings. You will gain the greatest exposure through our Standard and Premium Membership Levels.

These levels will allow you to have one Business Profile but to be searched by the visitors in various categories. For example Mortgage Brokers can select categories in both Real Estate and Business Services.

Note: With our Business Booster Advertising options, you can include your profile and/or a particular listing to be on our banner ads.

If you are uncertain about the level that best matches your needs, review our various Business Categories here.